This is a song that makes me still. The grounding of who I am. I believe in God. He makes logical sense to me, and I love Him very much. I remember as a boy speaking to Him while sitting in a big stone church. He always tells me to be still. To be quiet. To listen. I know, as a grounding truth, in my own personhood, and with no appeal to others, that I am nowhere without Him. Nowhere.

What fascinates me, is that it is He who touches my shoulder. He, who leads me to Himself (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit – who I call Sazzie) and gifts me with something that I cannot afford or pay for: My ability to be with Him. Grace never failing, Grace never ending, Grace through my Lord Jesus Christ.

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Grace - Live In-Studio



by: Michael Pos

Verse 1
Lord let our hearts all perceive
How Your grace leads our souls to believe
Lord let us never forget
How Your grace lifts the load of our debt

Grace never failing
Grace never ending
Grace through our Lord Jesus Christ

Verse 2
Lord let our memories all know
How Your grace guides each step on the road
Never without or alone
By Your grace you are guiding us home

Grace never failing
Grace never ending
Grace through our Lord Jesus Christ